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short FILMS

by Bill Carter

Fintech Argentina/Chile

Building resilient cities. Bangkok, Thailand

Building Resilient Cities for the Future - John Fernández

Bill Carter, in conjunction with MIT Sloan School of Management, made a documentary on the efforts of MIT in helping to establish micro electrical grids in Puerto Rico after the overwhelming damage from hurricane Maria.

In April 2018 Bill Carter made a short documentary film on Michael Kotuwa Johnson and Hopi farming titled: The Resiliency of Hopi Argiculture: 2,000 Years of Planting. The film is included in a collaboration with Michael Johnson and opened at the Arizona State Museum in April and will be on display until June 2019. After which it will travel state wide and nationally.

May 2017 film by Bill for MIT Sloan School of Management

A mini doc Bill made for MIT Sloan in Bogota, Colombia in May 2016 for their conference on Big Data.

Shot in 72 hours and edited in a week. Thanks to Shannon Sassone for final editing magic.

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